Plantar Fasciitis: How Arch Supports Can Help You.

3 min read

Plantar Fasciitis is a painful and frustrating condition that occurs when the plantar fascia, the tendon connecting the front of the foot to the heel, is damaged or torn. Heel pain is usually the first sign that there is a problem, and the condition is common amongst runners and also in pregnant women, for whom the problem can be a result of the increased weight on the tendon.

There are many different solutions to the problem of plantar fasciitis, and it can be cured using an exercise program that is specifically designed to rehabilitate the plantar fascia, but using good arch supports can help a great deal. More on plantar Fasciitis


Why Are Arch Supports Useful?

Insoles that offer proper arch support can offer great orthopaedic support for your foot, and when used with well-fitted and good quality shoes, can make a world of difference. Your overall health and the comfort of your feet can be improved by having the right arch support, and a store like Foot Solutions can help you to find the best shoes & arch supports etc to suit your individual needs.

The Benefits of Arch Supports

1.    A versatile solution. You can use arch supports in any type of shoe, including walking boots, training shoes, and the shoes you wear for work. For extra comfort and relaxation, try wearing these in your slippers, too!

2.    Designed to suit your foot. There are many types of arch supports available, depending on your foot shape and the problems you are experiencing. Some are designed specifically for training shoes and to cushion the impact while running on hard surfaces, for example, while others are designed to ensure even weight distribution and support throughout the day. It is a very good idea to get professional help to ensure that you choose the right type of arch supports for your lifestyle.

3.    Shock absorption. Your feet sustain heavy impacts while you’re walking around all day, especially on hard surfaces. Give them a chance to recover by using arch supports that help to absorb the shock and protect your muscles while they do their job.

4.    Deep heel cups. Cushioning your feet and providing support to reduce stress on your feet, knees and ankles can be very effective for relieving pain and increasing the comfort you feel on a daily basis.

5.    Cost effective. Purchasing arch supports is a much cheaper way to improve your foot health,  giving you a long term comfortable walking or exercising experience than buying a new pair of shoes. Arch supports can greatly prolong the life of your shoes and ensure that your feet always feel fresh and well supported! More on arch supports

Find The Best Arch Supports in the UK

For the best arch supports, and the most comfortable shoes, take a trip to your local Foot Solutions store. Our experienced staff will perform gait analysis tests and measure your feet correctly, and then find the best footwear & arch supports to suit your feet and your lifestyle.