How Menopause Affects Your Foot Health

8 min read

Did you know that menopause can affect the health of your feet? Increased awareness around menopause and peri-menopause means that more information is available to us about this time than ever before, and this makes it easier for women to seek help and manage their symptoms more effectively. The changes that occur at this time of life often cause big shifts in health and well-being, and learning as much as possible about these can enable us to thrive during and after this stage.

Here at Foot Solutions, we are specialists in foot care, and we know that there are many ways to improve your foot health. Our mission is to help you to manage the changes that may occur in your feet at this time, and to find solutions that make the transition easier for you and your lifestyle. Read on to find out more about how your feet may change during perimenopause and menopause, and discover the simple steps you can take to manage these. 

What Happens During Menopause? 

Menopause is when periods stop, usually when a woman is aged between 45 and 55 years, although this can vary. Before her periods actually stop, a woman will experience the transitional time known as perimenopause, and this is often when symptoms such as hot flushes, vaginal dryness and mood changes occur. If you notice symptoms such as these, it is a good idea to visit your doctor and discuss your experiences, as you may find that HRT or natural remedies can help you. 

During perimenopause, ovulation often becomes erratic due to the changing levels of hormones in the body. This can lead to other changes, including changes in the feet, and you may find that many symptoms develop during this period of time. Many women experience fatigue, anxiety, sleep issues and mood changes, and it is well worth seeking out support to regulate your hormones and manage this transition. 

Menopause and perimenopause affect many aspects of the body and we will explore the effects on the feet here. It is worth remembering that these changes usually occur over a long period of time, and that the term menopause only refers to the actual end of monthly periods, while the terms perimenopause and post-menopause refer to stages of life that may last for a number of years. 

How does Menopause Affect the Feet?

During perimenopause, oestrogen levels in the body drop significantly and this affects collagen production. Collagen is essential for maintaining tissue and muscle health and helps to keep the feet strong and flexible. A decrease in collagen can reduce bone density and can cause muscle loss, as well as affecting the elasticity of the skin, tendons and muscle tissue. 

If you are in or approaching this time of life, you may notice the following changes in your foot health: 

  • Hard, dry skin. During perimenopause and menopause, skin tends to become drier as oestrogen levels drop and it becomes harder to retain moisture. This is especially true of the skin on the feet, which often becomes dry and hard as collagen levels also reduce. Hard skin is particularly likely to build up around the heels, and this can be a source of frustration for many women. Persistent and untreated dry skin on the feet may crack and could become infected.
  • Foot pain. This stage of life is accompanied by weight gain for many women, as hormonal changes can affect metabolism. This can lead to foot pain as the feet are carrying additional weight and this makes it more likely that you will develop conditions such as plantar fasciitis or collapsed arches. The decrease in collagen can cause changes in the strength and flexibility of the tissues and joints in the feet, and this can also lead to foot pain. 
  • Hot feet. The hormonal changes during menopause and perimenopause can affect the way your body regulates its temperature and this can cause hot flushes/flashes and a sense of hot or burning feet. It can also be caused by dehydration and this can worsen with age as the body is less able to retain water as you get older. Many women find that their feet begin to smell more at this time, too, as their hormonal balance has changed. 
  • Arthritis. Arthritis in the big toe sometimes affects the feet in women as they go through the menopause. Arthritis in the big toe is known as ‘Hallux rigidus’ and is more common in women than men. This causes the big toe to feel stiff and sore, especially when walking or running, and is aggravated by increased inflammation in the big toe joint, which is common at this time of life. 
  • Bunions. Bunions can affect anyone as they age, and this is a more common problem for women than for men. Bunions are most often caused by the feet being squashed into shoes that are too small for them, especially high heels and shoes with a narrow toe box. Increased weight can contribute to the problem, and bunions occur when the bones of the toes are pushed out of alignment and a hard, bony growth develops.  

If you have a concern about the health of your feet, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor or a podiatrist. If your feet are affected by the changes you go through during the menopause and perimenopause, you may find that taking HRT or an alternative medication helps to alleviate this.

Taking Care of Your Feet 

Looking after your feet as you go through this stage of life doesn’t have to be complicated, but it can make a big difference to the way that you feel. We recommend:

  • A good foot care routine. Washing and drying your feet carefully every day and applying a good moisturiser will help to prevent dry skin and cracking and will keep your feet feeling fresh and clean. Using a pumice stone regularly to gently soften and remove hard skin can help to avoid dry, cracked heels, and soaking your feet in warm water can be a good idea if the problem persists. Massage your moisturiser in to give your feet a bit of TLC and check them over for any damage, and then put your feet up and relax.
  • Good footwear. Wearing well-fitted, comfortable shoes will help you to maintain good foot health and support your feet as you go through the changes associated with perimenopause and menopause. Look for shoes that are designed to give you a good amount of cushioning and support, and ensure that you have them fitted by a professional fitter. Here at Foot Solutions, we have a great range of shoes for all seasons, including workwear, casual shoes, training shoes and boots, all designed to support your feet in just the right way without compromising on style. 
  • Reliable precision-tailored orthotics. Precision-tailored orthotics can make a world of difference to tired, achy feet. Orthotic devices can be used to position the foot better inside your shoe and this can alleviate arch pain and prevent and resolve conditions such as plantar fasciitis. Orthotics bought over the counter may make a difference, but you are likely to find much more benefit from precision-tailored orthotics, designed for your individual needs. These can help to relieve pain in your legs, hips and lower back as well as in the feet, and can be used inside different pairs of shoes to help keep your feet in great shape at all times. You may also find that options such as toe separators or tape are helpful to keep the feet in alignment and relieve pressure on the joints.
  • Stay hydrated. Many general health problems are exacerbated by dehydration, and this is particularly the case during menopause and perimenopause. You can take care of your health and your feet by simply increasing your water intake, aiming to drink at least two liters of water per day. The ability to retain water in the body decreases with age, so it is especially important to keep yourself hydrated at this stage.
  • Consider medication and diet. During perimenopause and menopause it can be even more important to consider your diet and to seek help from a doctor if you feel that medication such as HRT could help you. Bio-available HRT is an increasingly popular option that many women find helpful. Many experts recommend overhauling your diet at this stage and perhaps trying to increase your intake of protein and reduce carbohydrates in order to maintain a healthy weight and keep yourself fit and well. Finding supplements that can support you in getting the right balance of vitamins and minerals in your body can make a big difference to how well you feel, so it is worth exploring the options available to you. 

Looking after your feet can make a world of difference to your general health and help to keep you fit and active. Leading an active lifestyle is the most important way to protect your health as you age and we will be happy to share our top tips when you visit us at Foot Solutions.

Visit Foot Solutions Today

Here at Foot Solutions, our friendly team will be happy to show you our range of comfortable, stylish shoes. We also offer custom orthotics and foot health consultations, and we will be happy to discuss these services with you when you visit us in store.